

hi! i’m so glad you’ve found your way to my little corner of the internet.

this space has evolved over the (many!) years – what started* as a channel to share updates and my experience with an uncommon knee condition (Osteochondritis Dissecans) and surgeries became an outlet for sharing entries about running and outdoor adventures. this blog then saw me move from denver to pittsburgh and back again and was with me through my first pregnancy and birth of my first son.

which brings us to current day: i’m a mid-thirties (gulp, how?!) mama of two who is navigating the working-parent pandemic life so many of us are familiar with. my trials and tribulations are not unique but by sharing my experience, i hope to build connection and camaraderie. we could all use a little more of both in our quarantine lives.

i still love getting outside as much as possible though, it doesn’t always look like a multi-day backpacking trip or ice climbing excursion. instead, it involves camping with a pack n’ play in a giant 6-person tent or hiking at turtle toddler speed on moderate trails. do i miss the Big Adventures? sure, but i also wouldn’t trade these moments outside with my tiny people for anything. this winter, we’ll add toddler skiing and snowshoeing to the mix which i can’t wait to experience.

so cheers to just another middle-aged person processing life on the internet! i’m truly delighted you’re here.


*I used to blog at lgsmash for a number of years so you’ll find references and links to these older posts throughout this blog.

**It should go without saying but I am not a certified anything; just a girl sharing her stories.

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